1. Flies
A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband walking around with a fly swatter.
“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Oh, killing any?” She asked.
“Yep, three males, two females,” he replied.
Intrigued, she asked, “How can you tell?”
He responded, “Three were on a beer can, two were on the phone.”
2. Little Johnny Boy
A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying.
“Everyone who thinks you’re stupid, stand up!”.
After a few seconds, Little Johnny stoop up.
The teacher said, “Do you think you’re stupid, Little Johnny?”
“No, ma’am but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself”
3. Wisdom teeth
One day a man walks into a dentist’s office and asks how much it will cost to extract wisdom teeth.
“Eighty dollars,” the dentist says.
“That’s a ridiculous amount,” the man says. “Isn’t there a cheaper way?”
“Well,” the dentist says, “if you don’t use an anaesthetic, I can knock it down to $60.”
“That’s still too expensive,” the man says.
“Okay,” says the dentist. “If I save on anesthesia and simply rip the teeth out with a pair of pliers, I could get away with charging $20.”
“Nope,” moans the man, “it’s still too much.”
“Hmm,” says the dentist, scratching his head. “If I let one of my students do it for the experience, I suppose I could charge you just $10.”
“Marvelous,” says the man, “book my wife for next Tuesday
4. Talking clock
While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends, a college student led the way into the den.
“What is the big brass gong and hammer for?” one of his friends asked.
“That is the talking clock,” the man replied.
“How’s it work?” the friend asked.
“Watch,” the man said and proceeded to give the gong an ear- shattering pound with the hammer.
Suddenly, someone screamed from the other side of the wall, “Knock it off, you idiot! It’s two o’clock in the morning!”
5. Dreams
One morning, after she woke up, a woman told her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a diamond necklace for Valentine’s Day. What do you think it means?” “Maybe you’ll find out tonight…,” he said.
That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it – to find a book entitled:”The Meaning of Dreams.”
6. Because of absence
Mother: Why did you get such a low mark on that test?
Junior: Because of absence.
Mother: You mean you were absent on the day of the test?
Junior: No, but the kid who sits next to me was.
7. Stone and Stone – Breaker
A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train. He had never seen them before, so he began:
“My name is Stone, and I’m even harder than stone, so do what I tell you or there’ll be trouble. Don’t try any tricks with me, and then we’ll get on well together.”
Then he went to each soldier one after the other and asked him his name. “Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you clearly,” he said, and don’t forget to call me “sir”.
Each soldier told him his name, until he came to the last one. This man remained last one. This man remained silent, and so Captain Stone shouted at him, “When I ask you a question, answer it! I’ll ask you again: What’s your name, soldier?”
The soldier was very unhappy, but at last he replied.
“My name’s Stone-breaker, sir”, he said nervously.
8. Handwriting
Sir” hissed the lawyer, “do you swear this is not your signature?”
“Is it not your handwriting?”
“You take your solemn oath that this writing does not resemble yours in a single particular?”
“How can you be certain?”, demanded the lawyer.
“I can’t write,” smiled the man.
9. Radio Broken
A film crew was on location deep in the desert. One day an Old Indian went up to the director and said, “Tomorrow rain.”
The next day it rained. A week later, the Indian went up to the director and said, “Tomorrow storm.” The next day there was a hailstorm.
“This Indian is incredible,” said the director.
He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather. However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian didn’t show up for two weeks. Finally the director sent for him.
“I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow,” said the director, “and I’m depending on you. What will the weather be like?”
The Indian shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t know,” he said. “Radio is broken.”
10. Lucy
A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so many hungry people in the world. One evening, she was giving her small daughter her tea before putting her to bed. First, she gave her a slice of fresh brown bread and butter, but the child said that she did not want it like that. She asked for some jam on her bread as well.
Her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said, “when I was a small girl like you, Lucy, I was always given either bread and butter, or bread and jam, but never bread with butter and jam.”
Lucy looked at her mother for a few moments with pity in her eyes and then said to her kindly, “Aren’t you pleased that you’ve come to live with us now?”
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